Secondary Schools within 2 miles of EX39 3AR
We have found 1 match as a result of your search for Secondary Schools within 2 miles (or 3.22Km ) of the centre of EX39 3AR. Please note that the distances shown below are "as the crow flies" from the entered postcode (EX39 3AR) and do not take into account road layouts or any obstructions or detours needed.
There is a Google Map at the bottom of this page showing the location of all the schools in the area surrounding EX39 3AR.
Approx 0 miles away : Bideford College | |
Abbotsham Road | Contact : Miss Veronica Matthews |
BIDEFORD | Tel: 01237 477611 |
Devon | Ofsted Report |
EX39 3AR | Street Map |
This is an urban secondary school and has approx 1777 pupils with 826 boys and 951 girls Top |
If you know of any of the details shown above that are incorrect (such as a change of Head Teacher) please contact us using the link at the bottom of this page. Thank you.
Not found what you are looking for?
If you can not find the school you are looking for we suggest that you might try changing the school type in the box at the top of the screen to City Technology College or Academies and search again.
We have found a total of 1 Secondary schools in and near EX39 3AR (including the entries listed above).
Key to map below: - | ||
: Pre School | : Nursery | : Primary School |
: Secondary School | : Colleges, 16 plus | : Other types of schools |
You can click on any of the markers shown on the map for more details and you can also drag the map around, zoom in or out, and change to a satellite view if you wish.