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Looking for the right school? Schools Search provides:
- Around 50,000 educational establishments
- Includes creches in shopping centres, nurseries, pre-schools primary schools to secondary schools and 6th form colleges
- Search by post code or even part post code
- View each school’s latest inspection report
- Map provided showing schools in relation to your search
- Latest educational news links
Good Evening and welcome to Schools Search, your guide to schools across the UK.
Our site currently contains details of 48,953 educational establishments in the UK including creches in shopping centres, nurseries, pre-schools primary schools to secondary schools and 6th form colleges covering schools in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
We have taken great care to make sure that the data in our directory is correct, however if you are aware of anything that needs to be corrected (maybe the head teacher has changed) please contact us and we will correct the information as soon as possible.
Please feel free to search for schools by using the search boxes above, you can search by type of school, and distance from a postcode. If you do not know the full postcode (eg PE1 1SB) you can use the first part of the postcode (PE1) and we will try to work out the nearest schools to the centre of the area, you should bear in mind that some post code areas cover a much wider area than others and this may affect the results that we return - for example SW1 in London covers a much smaller area than PE6 and thus the distances of schools to the centre of the area are more likely to be incorrect in rural areas such as PE6.
Once you have found the details of the school in England you are looking for you may also click on the link to the Ofsted site (opens in a new window), to find the latest Ofsted inspection report. Please note that Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education (a government department the inspectorate for children and learners in England) and is in no way connected to the school search website. The same types of links are available for schools in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
We do not list childminders on this website, if you want to find a local childminder we suggest that you visit the National Childminding Association of England and Wales's website.
We add occasional news on topical issues and these recent articles about the resignation of an award winning head after an OFSTED inspection and vaping in schools might be relevant.